Tuesday, March 09, 2004

October 26, 2003...Dawn wrote:

I've been spending alot of time reflecting on my life thus far (in the shower, on the toilet, etc.) and I've decided that if I am not promoted by the end of my first year at work (which is in March), I'm going to look for a new job, preferably near Byron's work so we can commute together in the morning (it's just more fun that way) and a job where I don't work on the weekends.

There's a good chance of promotion happening very soon (within the next month or so) and I'm crossing my fingers that it's actually going to happen. As you can see my anniversary date of March 17 is quickly approaching...I'm not a regular church-goer (although I should be), but I'll be praying every night.

I hope that my boss doesn't change her mind.

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