Monday, July 26, 2004

I fixed my comment thingy...I know that only blogspot users were able to post, but I changed the settings. Comment away!

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Everyone and their mom is having/has kids...wait...scratch that...everyone is/is becoming a MOM.

Went to a christening reception yesterday...and it was good times with Byron's college homies, but it was also a time where Dawn realizes that she still really wants to have a baby.  Driving home, I realized that I have one more pack left in my prescription of "no-baby" pills and Byron said that after that I could stop and let nature take it's course.  Who knows...this time next year I could become a mom too...

Which brings me to marriage.  I think about my sister and my mom...they got married and had kids at a really young age.  My sister is having her ups and downs of her own...and it made me think that it's good that Byron and I are living together now.  It's been almost a year (can you believe it?) and I enjoy living with him.  I've never been so comfortable with someone and it just lets me know that when we do get married, there will be no surprises.  What you see is what you get and I'm okay with that.

I ate 4 plastic bowls of Rice Krispy Treats yesterday.  I'm such a piggy. *oink oink*

Thursday, July 22, 2004

I'm bored out of my mind right what do I do then? I browse around other people's blogs/xangas/livejournals. I've got about 15 more minutes before my feedback session with my facilitator (I'm in training right now). Have I mentioned that they are running on CST...meaning my ass has been getting up at 430am every morning since Monday? I'm thinking about getting some more hot chocolate, but that's like 120 calories! That's 10 minutes on the EFX machine easily! But I digress...the purpose of this post is to summarize what I've seen after browsing through many journals:

-Xanga/Livejournal picture posting. I've noticed that we are very conceited people. Do we post certain pictures because those are the best pictures? Like if a stranger were to browse my site, they would be like..."damn their hot!" I shouldn't talk though...if blogger had the same capabilities, then I'd be posting pics too!

-The profound quote. Some journals do, some journals don't. I personally like the journals who have those quotes that make absolutely no sense at all. The ones that make you go "what the fuck?" Yeah...those are cool.

-Middle finger pics. If the journal owner is still in school (college, high school, etc) there is at least one picture of them on their site where they are flippin' the bird.

-BF/GF shout outs. be young and in love...and then it change again the following month.

-Billions upon billions of links to other people's sites. Why have friendster and myspace when you can find it all here?

-Music. While your getting lost in the words of someone else, get lost in the music as well. Or get incredibly annoyed because you don't know how to turn it off.

-Surveys and quizzes. Yeah baby, I always needed an excuse to not do work.

-Content. Someone's either screwing over or just plain screwing someone else, along with what happened at at family functions/work/school/etc.

and finally,

-"I'm free to speak my mind however I please" (not necessarily in those particular order of words.) Free speech is a wonderful thing. Don't abuse it by telling someone else they can't have their own opinion.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Monday, July 19, 2004

the little things

  Byron and I one of those days yesterday.  We were supposed to have his brothers come over, but that kinda panned out.  So it was just me and him for the rest of the day.  I thought that he would be really bummed out about it, but to my surprise he wasn't.  We cooked hamburgers on our George Foreman grill, baked some garlic fries, rode around the neighborhood on our newly purchased bikes (before my inner tube popped) and ended the evening sitting on our porch eating ice-cream sandwiches.  I've never felt so content being at home, just us.

  And it's just those little things that get ya...but damn do I love 'em.
For the next week, I am going to have the longest days EVER. I have to be at work by 6am for training. GREAT. At least I get off early though!

Saturday, July 17, 2004

I got a text message last night from someone (you know who you are) that said "It's funny cuz it's true"  Dude, what the hell are you talking about?  Let me know...I'd like to laugh too!

  Thanks to those leaving comments.  If you like something, leave a comment.  If you wanna talk shit, go ahead and leave a comment.  If you are someone that I know and new to my site, please, leave a comment.  Spanks!

Friday, July 16, 2004

So glad it's FRIDAY...I forgot how nice it was to have a weekend to look forward to, but the past month has been super busy and I've really had no time on the weekend to relax or breathe for that matter...

I'm at work and the only reason why I'm posting right now is because my supervisor isn't here. Just like at Kiddie Kandids. Only one more hour til the weekend and then it's off to the gym!

I can't save either y'all. I'm glad that my fellow Santa Barbarians can't do it either!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

I'm currently in my Claim Portfolio Training class. I'm in a class where I'm supposed to be learning how to use this particular software, but I've known how to use this software for the past 2 months. I can't believe that I've been here for the 2 months already! Geez...where does the time go?

I know that from my previous post that it may sound like I'm engaged, but officially I'm not. I don't have a ring, I haven't picked my bridesmaids or my dress, I have made a list of who I'm going to invite...Byron and I talk about it and we've begun planning for the planning. Make sense? I mean, in so many different ways it's like we're married...and I know deep down in my heart that it'll just be me and him for the rest of our lives. When we decided to live together, it wasn't one of those situations of convenience or because we were in the "honeymoon" stage of our relationship where we couldn't be apart...we really did think the whole thing through and with the plan of eventually getting married when we could afford to do so. Now that I have a better work schedule, Byron and I don't argue so much (not that we really do all the time or at least in my eyes we don't) and we started to focus on each other. This past weekend made us both realize that we really do want to spend the rest of our lives together and that we want our wedding to be special.

Don't worry y'all...I'll give plenty of notice when we are officially engaged. There's a good chance that we'll be getting hitched in Hawaii, so start saving up now Miah :P

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Back from was a truly beautiful wedding. got Byron thinking about the kind of stuff that he wants for ours!

Mom and auntie behaved sister was moody the whole weekend...Taryn smashed her finger in the door...Roycee went swimming...Ben saw his best friend from HS...Jimbo has an "interesting" haircut...I miss my cousins...Byron won at playing Texas Hold 'em...

It was a good weekend.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

I'm going to LA this weekend for my cousin's wedding. I'm excited because I get to see the cousins that I pretty much grew up with...but then I'm not because our parents have some issues with each other. My mom and her cousins (which are my cousins parents) have this long standing resentment towards each other. Well, it's actually more from my aunts and uncles than my mom...and it's really stupid too. Some shit about how their grandfather paid for my mom and her siblings to go to school and how he didn't help my aunts and uncles out, but from what I understood they didn't need the help at the time...bottom line: it's a stupid fight and 30 years later there's still a grudge.

Although it's been alleviated since then, the tension is still there...and of course, the children suffer. It was hard enough that my cousin went to SB too and it just felt weird to be around when his parents were visiting...but whatever. I hope this trip goes well...and if it doesn't at least I have Byron there to keep me sane.

Monday, July 05, 2004

Nothing brings about self-relfection more than someone's passing.

To add to the long list of things we normally do on a weekend, Byron and I added a funeral on Saturday.

Byron's good friend from college died in a really bad car accident on the 27th. She was vacationing in Florida and from what I understood at the wake, she was a really fun girl. I ended up crying more than Byron at her eulogy because everything was just so could tell that she was loved by many and that she herself loved life.

I admire people that have this great love for life and what's around them. They don't taint the ones around them with their cynicism and really understand that it could be all over in a matter of seconds and that if you aren't living up until that moment...then were you really ever living?

Sigh...RIP Linette. I wish I had met you sooner.