Monday, February 06, 2006


I missed my homie's wedding this weekend because of a prior engagement (read: really expensive Warrior tickets for husband's Christmas/birthday present) and it got me thinking about how disconnected I am with my homies back in the UNE. I know that we all grow up eventually and go our different ways, but it's still hard to know that you made a lot of memories with these people and suddenly you find yourself surrounded by different people, people who you don't have much of a history with and who you never really feel completely comfortable around. Then you see your friends from you hometown and how their lives have changed (always for the good, thank God), but then you quickly realize that you play no integral part in it. It's almost like your watching a concert, you're a part of it in the sense that you are a spectator, but never really in the spotlight.

I know that it's just a simple fact of life that we all can't remain the same that we did, but if no one truly makes the effort is it a lost cause? Do I just cut my losses and move on? If that's the case, then I feel like it was all wasted and that I should have been more focused with the relationships that I know would stick. But I suppose you never know until life unfolds...

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