Monday, November 12, 2007

purple = delicious

I've always been a fan of Skittles, but for some reason...the purple ones tasted extra good with purplely deliciousness today. I ate them last, even though I normally save the green ones for last. Call it an off day or maybe I just wasn't feelin' the green ones to anchor my fun-size bag Skittles experience.

Now that I think about it, I eat them in this order:
1. Yellow
2. Red
3. Orange (if you suck on them, it tastes like Orange Tic Tacs)
4. Purple
5. Green

Now, I want more.

1 comment:

Joy said...

OMG! I almost eat them the SAME way!

1. YELLOW - sometimes its all I eat in a mini bag and then I throw the rest away... but if I'm hungry, I eat the rest in the following order:

4.GREEN - It's always a toss up between orange and green... but for sure..

5. ALWAYS LAST - Purple.. Sometimes I don't even bother at that point and I throw the purple ones away.
