Monday, February 02, 2004

15 more minutes and I get to clean up. This night seemed like it dragged on forever...I hate closing sometimes because a minute feels like an hour and and hour feels like an eternity. I've lost alot of motivation here. Sad. I should be getting pulls or calling birthday club, but no...I'm blogging away and filling out job applications. Tomorrow, I'm going to Pleasanton to drop it off and hopefully be able to speak to whoever is doing the hiring. Sounds like an interesting position...I've always had an interest in HR...and it would be for a college district. Sounds very appealing...I think that I would do well. I'm perfectly qualified. Kiddie Kandids and Seneca Center has taught me how to deal with stressful situations and come out cool as a cucumber.

Damn, will the time ever go faster? Back to the applications...

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