Wednesday, May 21, 2008

age is more than a number

at least...that is what i'm learning whilest browsing MySpace. now that i'm about 2 months away from having an "outside" baby, it makes me wonder what i'm going to be like as a 20/30 something. you know that trend of MILFs and what not..."i can still party like i used to after kids" mentality...i wonder if that's going to be me. yes, i miss going out. yes, i miss getting drunk (it's been almost a year and a half if you can believe it...damn fertility treatments)...but what kind of example am i setting for my kid? i know, i know...she'll barely remember what she did five minutes ago...but what about when she actually does start remembering? am i gonna be up in the club, drunk off my ass and taking be posted on myspace? god, i hope not. i'm an advocate of going out every now and then for a good time...but it just makes a mom-to-be think, you know?

i suppose i should add that these profiles are of kids...yes i said kids...that are younger than me. maybe that has something to do with it? i dunno.

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