Tuesday, December 27, 2005

confessions of a twenty-something drama queen

I have no work this week and I'm chillin' at my parents' house waiting for the children to get up so I can smother them with kisses and have them open their presents. I got my period this week and I'm feeling super crappy. I balanced my check book and after all my checks clear, I have exactly $4.77 in my account. That is some fucked up shit.

I yearn for a simpler time more often than not. I wish that people around me weren't so fake and transparent. Why do they gotta start shit in the first place? I also read to deeply into things. I have a knack for seeing things that aren't there. I like to play certain scenarios in my head in order to escape reality. I'm scared and excited about "growing up."

1 comment:

Joy said...

OMG. I so feel you on the $4.77 balance. Girl, last week 3 days before pay day I went shopping.. Next day I went online and my balance was $0.25. DEpressing. UGGH.