Tuesday, October 14, 2008


i saw this on another blog and i always wanted to do something like this. i wasn't tagged directly, but i figured since i know the person and read it, why the hell not? you might learn something new about me or remember something i had told you during a meaningful conversation while either high or drunk LOL

6 random things about me:
1. i dislike...ney, abhor cooked fruit. i find it to be disgusting and unnatural. i gag just thinking about it. so, if ever you make a bomb ass peach cobbler or apple pie and i politely refuse, just remind yourself that it's not you...it's the cooked fruit.

2. i've never been at a job longer than 18 months. i don't know if it's because i bore easily, have serious committment issues, or if all i ever wanted for myself was to be a trophy wife (i kid on that one). although...i do like where i'm at now, so that may change.

3. my thumbs are double jointed. it's nasty to some, but amazing to me. i also enjoy the look on people's faces when i show them.

4. i have never owned a pair of Chucks or Uggs. but i would gladly wear them if someone bought them for me.

5. my dream is to be on a game show one day. the kind where you have to guess something using clues provided. as my HS friends will tell you, i kick ass in any game. i'm awesome. LOL

6. i pooped on the delivery table while giving birth to Hannah. i'm damn proud of that LOL

1 comment:

Joy said...

If they made a game show for charades, you would totally win the jackpot. HAHAHA.

BTW, I like that girls blog - whoever you got the idea to do the random things about you... it's cute!