Thursday, November 28, 2002


I'm thankful for such a wonderful loving family and great friends. I love Thanksgiving for one reason: stuffing. You just don't get to eat stuffing at any other time of year but this one. Yet, the only thing missing from this wonderful dinner? Stuffing. God damn it. All I really wanted was stuffing just for Thanksgiving, but my mom told me that since we weren't having a turkey that the stuffing just wasn't an option. My aunts, uncle, parents and brother were all here like they are supposed to be...but the stuffing just wasn't. I'm lucky that we had a Thanksgiving feast at my work with...stuffing...because if that shit didn't happen this would have been the WORST Thanksgivng ever. Seriously.

It's strange how this time of year brings out a certain side in me now. My first holiday season outside of school made me realize something. It's just not the same anymore. It's not necessarily a bad thing...just different. My mindset has changed dramatically. How do I know this? My brother was on the phone with one of our mutual friends talking about "who's house is cuts" to get drunk and high at. At this time for the past few years, I would jump at the chance...but now...I just wanna play it low-key, hang out at home, see my boyfriend. What a change.

That's what life's about, I guess.

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