Friday, November 01, 2002

Arrgh! I'm sick!

But I did get to have lunch with my baby...and picked up in my brother in San Jose. And yes, I'm going back there anyways within the next hour or so. It must sound like I really like driving. I was able to briefly chat with my good friend James...who, by the way, I've known forever through my cousins. He only recently re-entered my life by some weird twist of fate (and a search through the member directory of AOL). It's always nice talking to good friends:

D8082510 [5:08 PM]:Hey u
KaunaMaile [5:08 PM]: how ya been?
D8082510 [5:09 PM]: this takes me awhile because im on my palm pilot
KaunaMaile [5:09 PM]: dope!
D8082510 [5:10 PM]: Im good though and u
KaunaMaile [5:10 PM]: sick...but other than that...never been better
D8082510 [5:11 PM]: How is everyhing with the kids r u still sane
KaunaMaile [5:11 PM]: yup...haven't tried to kill myself yet

I'm feeling better...thanks to that Tylenol Cold I bought for myself earlier. But can I just say that waiting for it to kick in while in traffic sucks more than a hooker on a hot summer night in Vegas.

I want to blame someone for me being sick. When I figure out who it is, they may die.

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