Saturday, March 22, 2003

Remember how back in the day, when you were like in junior high, how concentrated you were about events that were just out of your control (i.e. wanting to know if the boy/girl you liked was into you or if your current "relationship" would work out) and would do just about anything to see into the future? I know I did. I used to be way into that astrology shit, seeing if my sign/his sign matched and religiously read my horoscope every day. I've learn over the past couple of years that it's all a bunch of bullshit (sidebar: although the people that DO believe in that stuff, far be it from me to knock your belief system), yet I still manage to have my horscope sent to me everyday via email. Usually, it's just amusing to me and I like the fact that I get email everyday (I'm a loser). But my horoscope for today scared the fucking shit out of me because it was fucking DEAD ON.

"Today you might decide to sequester yourself within the home, catching your breath, getting your thoughts together, and recalling the events of the past several days. You'll also find yourself thinking of plans for the future, DAWN, as you're feeling especially optimistic now and energetic enough to pursue whatever goals you may have. At some point you're likely to share this with a close friend and seek their support and opinions."

I had a long day at work today and all I could think about was chillin' at home and seeing my boyfriend. I recently started my job and have been learning so much, so alot of my thoughts revert back to work. I just had a long conversation with my good friend Phillip who I've known forever and I totally respect his opinions and thoughts. We were talking about how he wants to get married and how I'm going to look at houses with Byron and his parents tomorrow morning.

Coincidence? I hope so. If not, God help us all.

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