Thursday, March 24, 2005

stupid stupid does

I checked the office messages when I got into work this morning and there was this woman on the phone that made a big stink about the recruiting emails that I send out. Personally, if I am recieving emails that I don't want I either (a) delete them, (b) email the sender to be removed or (c) block the email address. All three options take about 5 seconds tops, but this bitch, feeling all righteous and shit, starts goin' off about how she's a "director of HR" and earns $187,000/yr not including bonuses and she doesn't have to sell anything. Well, tell me this, why is your greedy ass posting your resume? She wasted 3 minutes just for that message. I tell you...there are just some people in this world that prefer to make it difficult ALL THE TIME.

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