Friday, June 10, 2005

my favorite things

1. Coffee on a Friday Morning
2. Taryn & Royce
3. Hanging out in SB with my sisters
4. Family gatherings at Mountain House
5. Spider rolls and edamame
6. Laughing with my real sister and brother
7. Driving Lucky
8. Kisses and Hugs
9. Lying in bed on a Sunday morning with babe
10. Getting emails during work
11. The feeling I get after working out
12. Finding $5 in my jeans pocket
13. Pop music
14. My engagement ring
15. Clam Chowder and fried oysters from Splash
16. Reading other people's online journals
17. People commenting on my journal
18. Dancing
19. Singing
20. Living

Congrats to the grads! The real world sucks! You're gonna love it!


jdb said...

hey dawn... I can email those to you... what is your knot screen name, I don't think I knew it was YOU! oh yeah... shoot he over your email!

Have a great weekend!

jdb said...

I didn't look at your bio when I responded, I am such a nerd!