Monday, June 27, 2005

pee-pee dance

Drinking a gallon of water a day causes you visit the facilities 5+ times a day.

Byron and I had really bad gas last night and we had to leave the window open for circulation's sake.

I realize that the last sentence was TMI, but ask me if I care.

I have been displaced from my work area into a vacant office because my boss' sister-in-law is doing work there. I'm kinda really liking having my own office, so it's gonna suck when she doesn't come in anymore.

I had a opportunity for Free Lunch Monday today, but I already ate my salad. Good thing I have Friday off now because now I don't feel so jipped.

Who the hell made up the word "jipped" anyway? Maybe the same person that made up "moded?" I'd like to meet that guy.

CONGRATS TO MIAH ON HIS NEW JOB! (will you come visit me now?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm...of course i will...see ya in november. hehe. thanks again lover!