Thursday, June 16, 2005

truth is...

12 honest answers to questions that you don't want honestly answered:

1. No, your child scares the bejezzus out of me.
2. The jeans don't make your butt look big, your butt does.
3. That make-up looks like you put it on using your toes or something.
4. You're not thick, you're FAT.
5. I'll tell you what I told my dog when he wanted to become a cat: IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.
6. You're right. It is you.
7. I don't like hanging out with you, so the answer is no.
8. You are turning into your mother.
9. Please don't bother me with your stupid problems.
10. That color looks awful on you, Kool-Aid.
11. Just put a bag over your head and everything will be okay.
12. Your name and face do not ring a all.

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