Wednesday, July 13, 2005



Seriously folks, it's gettin' out of hand here. While I have come to terms with the fact that there are stupid people out there, crack does not help the cause.

Example #1: Using coins for major purchases.

I'm one of those lucky people who get to stand behind them in line with one item, while they are buying groceries for a family of 20 with a big ass jar of quarters. At least have them pre-rolled to make the transaction go quicker.

Example #2: Asking every question humanly possible about what a food item is made with.

You've just upped your chances of getting your food spit in...and not by the server.

Example #3: "I know I'm not calling the right place, but maybe you could help me."

And maybe hell will freeze over as we watch pigs fly over our heads and monkeys out of my ass.

Hurry up weekend...I'm waiting for your ass!

1 comment:

cici said...

hahah "i know i'm not calling the right place.." then dont freakin call!! bitches!