Friday, July 29, 2005


No, I'm not talking about the tasty breakfast treat that you've been eating for as long as you can remember. I'm talking about those "nasty" emails you get from people you don't know trying to sell you something or recruit you into doing something.

I send out recruiting emails to people who's resumes I see online. Technically speaking, I'm not "spamming" them because I didn't buy their email addresses from another company's database. I'm an actual person looking at their resume and thinking that they would be a good fit for what I'm recruiting for.

Unfortunately, some don't see it that way. Here's an example of a reply email that I received from a potential candidate:

"Jesus Christ, you guys just keep spamming. It's a good thing I don't have insurance with xxxxxxx, because I'd hate to have to spend time switching insurers. I will add xxxxxxx Insurance to my email filters, and I will call my friend who is a xxxxxxx agent to ask him why his company is actively antagonizing thousands of consumers by spamming them."

He then proceeds to email me another message:

"Oh, and look: you scumbags even use an INVALID CONTACT PHONE NUMBER. FUCK OFF

It probably took him about 10 minutes to eloquently express himself, the time that it would have taken him to follow-up on the job emails that really mattered.

Some people are so quick to pass judgement on how we conduct business around here. What a fucking moron.

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