Monday, July 18, 2005


01. If you woke up tomorrow morning and you were the opposite gender, what would be the first thing you'd do?
explain myself to Byron because he may freak out.

02. If you could be invisible for a whole day, what would you do?
walk around naked. i've always wanted to do that.

03. If you could completely get rid of one fashion trend that you personally don't like, what would it be?
hmm...i guess i would have to spend more time with fashionable people to answer that.

04. If you could dye your hair ANY color, what color would you choose? definitely.

05. If you could look like any celebrity, who would you choose and why?
jessica alba...or that vanessa minillo (sp?)

06. If you could spend one hour with ANYONE, (alive or dead) who would it be, and why?
my grandpas. i was really young when they both died.

07. If you won a million dollars in the lottery, what would you do with the money?
pay off included.

08. If you could tell one person ANYTHING, what would it be, and who would it be?
a certain SOMEONE i was referring to in my xanga.

09. If you saw your favorite celebrity in the street, what would be your first reaction?

10. If you could change your first name to anything you wanted, what would you change it to?
too much trouble w/ paperwork and all that shit.

11. What's one feature of your appearance that you absolutely like?
my breasts.

12. If you were told today that you had only a month to live, what would be all the things you would do, or say before you died?
spend every waking moment with my family and Byron. i'd make sure that they all know that i love them very much.

13. If you could change any part of your appearance, what would it be?
my stomach area. why won't you be flat?

14. If you had your own line of cosmetics, what would you call it, and what kind of products would you make?
not creative enough to make something myself...i'll just buy cicely's product.

15. If you had your own line of underwear, how would you design it?
something that won't ever stain.

16. If you could have one super power, what would it be?
the ability to teleport.

17. If you had the choice would you rather be Marilyn Monroe for a day, or Madonna?
neither. MM died at a young age and while i'm a fan of Madonna's music, i'm not a fan of Madonna.

18. Do you believe your dreams have significance? insecurities realized.

19. Total number of films I own on DVD/video:
not enough.

20. The last film I bought:
meet the fockers.

21. Last film I watched at home:
napoleon dynamite.

22. 6 films I watch a lot or mean a lot to me:
all 5 kevin smith movies and jerry maguire.

23. Tag 5 people and have them answer these questions on their blog:
jackie, cheryll, jenn, jeff, miah...tag! you're it!

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