Thursday, September 01, 2005

4 day weekend

Today is my Friday...HAHA bitches! I get 4 days off! I heard a funny joke today on the radio, stop reading if you've heard this one...

Two guys were drinking at a bar on the top floor of a hotel. One decides to challenge the other to jump out the window because drunk guys are stupid like that. Anyway, the first guy says to the second guy, "Dude, I dare you to jump." The second guy, who is clearly smarter than the first says, "No way man...we're on the top floor!" The first guy is insistant, "Check it's super windy, so if you jump out, then the wind will just blow you back in." Still skeptical, the second guy declines. The first guy says, "Look, I'll do it and you'll see."

The first guy jumps out the window and low and behold comes right back in. "See?" he says. With a sudden surge of confidence, the second guy puts his drink down, steps back for a running start, then proceeds to swan dive and plunge to his death. The first guy picks up the second guy's drink and walks back to the bar.

The bartender says to the first guy, "Superman, you're such a fucking jerk when you're drunk."

Only 15 shopping days 'til my birthday!

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