Thursday, September 08, 2005

hair did

I have an appointment for some highlights and a cut in about 3 hours. Whoopie! I'm so not feeling work at the moment, although I know that there are some things that I need to do. I was so busy over the past couple of days that I think this is my brains way of telling me "Enough Already!"

Or maybe I'm just a lazy person. I've always suspected that.

This hair appointment couldn't have come at a better time because I'm having a craptacular hair day. I must look so whacktified* right now. I'm not sure if I want to cut my bangs again or make them risky I'm being with less than 2 months from the big day.

I've had much on my mind lately...not all bad, but not all good. Some wedding related, most non-wedding related. You know that feeling when you're taking a long road trip and you're about 1 hour from your destination? That 1 hour seems like F-O-R-E-V-E-R. That's what I feel like.

If I could only get those voices to quiet down so I can clear my head. jk. They only speak when they are spoken to.

*this word I made up as I was typing. please use it sparingly.


Joy said...

where do you get your hair done dawn?

dawn marie said...

Vogue Studio in Pleasanton. Nikki Pizani suggested to my sister and my sister suggested to me. Let me know if you need the info...