Friday, January 02, 2004

Happy New Year everyone...I hope that you all have your resolutions all made up. As for me, I think that I will resolve to not make any resolutions and just take better care of myself both physically and emotionally.

And find my ass a better paying job while I'm at it.

I don't know about any of you out there...but I always thought that a college degree would open up this world of possibilities for I'd be rolling in the dough right now...but it's just not that way. Don't get me wrong though...I do make enough money to support myself. Byron and I are not struggling (although Holidays did kick our ass, but we know better for next year), we're doing fine. We just want more work experience so we can get better paying jobs and make a baby (okay, maybe save up to get married first if we HAVE to do it in that order).

Anywho, I had a blast on family was there and we all got drunk old skool style (3 people threw up...1 of them I had to take care of personally because we sleep in the same bed). I wonder what 2004 has in store...

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