Tuesday, January 06, 2004

I'm so overwhelmed with everything. Do you ever feel like you have absolutely no control over anything that happens in your life? I think that at this point in my life, I'm just not happy. I'm not happy with certain aspects of my job (like pay and hours)and I'm not happy with the way I look (special thanks to holiday over-eating and my sedentary lifestyle)...Life for me is in the dumps right now. But not like "I'm so depressed...I'm needing to discover myself...I'm going to be so dramatic until this whole thing is over". I just need to get over myself and let the healing process begin.

Not happy with your job Dawn? Maybe you should find a new one. One new job application everyday. Something will happen.

Not happy with your looks/body Dawn? Eat better and exercise. You have that 3 day diet and look foward to those Tae-bo DVDs that you bought.

In the words of that famous shoe company's catch phrase: JUST DO IT.

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