Thursday, February 20, 2003

Heard some good news today. One of my friends from way back when (meaning I've known him since the first grade) is getting married at the end of March. I'm really happy for him especially because...well...he's blind. Well, not completely blind...but it's not like he can drive a car or anything.

I admit, I was shocked...
...and part of me felt bad for being shocked.

Why wouldn't he fall in love and get married? It's times like those where you just don't realize how shallow you can be. Then I got to thinking about myself...when I was in high school, 23 seemed like a good age to get married and "start" my life. And here I am...jobless and not getting married anytime soon, although it happening within the next two years is a definite possibility :) But I'll say this like I do all the time...LIFE DOESN'T GO HOW YOU PLAN.

Congrats Adam...I'm truly happy for you!

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