Thursday, August 04, 2005


I used to be a claims adjuster and spend about 3+ hours in my vehicle everyday, so all in all, I think I'm a pretty good driver. Unfortunately, I work in a city where there are a plethora of old people and impatient rich people on the road. I use my horn way more than I ever had in my entire life driving. Yesterday, 2 people almost hit me coming out of driveways and 1 today.

Annoying. SO ANNOYING.

What's people's hurry anyway? Are you really in a hurry to get to work? I know I'm not. It's bad because I have that mentality of "I'll get there when I get there." I come in before my boss anyway, so is he really going to know if I'm late or not?

I don't think so.

POINT OF THE POST: Driving in Walnut Creek sucks ass. Big stanky cow ass.


Joy said...

My boss comes in at 10ish and I "come in at 7:30 a.m. right on the dot every morning". hahahaha.. It's great isn't it?

jdb said...

I sneak in at 8:40am... hehehe... it's nice to be on a different floor than your boss!