Friday, August 05, 2005

fortune cookie

Got some Mongolian Beef from the local chinese restaurant and now I'm enjoying my fortune cookie. It reads:

"No one conquers who doesn't fight"

How profound. So after enjoying this cookie, I'm left to ponder this fortune. I come to the conclusion that it means something along the lines of, if you don't fight no one can beat you. If you don't cause conflict, there is no conflict. If I chose to whore around, I suffer the consequences...nobody else, just me. If I decide to let other people determine my worth, then I'm doomed to internalize everything they say because I don't have the strength or courage to believe in myself. I believe all our decisions are conscious on some level. I don't buy that bullshit of "sub-conscious" or "instinct." NO. We are human beings with the ability to function on a different plain of existance as all the other mammals in this world. I have a tough time with people blaming others for their misfortunes and tribulations. Grow the fuck up, get over yourself and let the healing process begin.

How profound, indeed.


cici said...

how funny, i totally thought it meant "if you don't fight, you won't win" ... as in you have to put in the effort if you want to succeed.

i guess everyone puts their own meaning to these things, cuz my interpretation actually relates to my life right now. i guess we see what we wanna see huh?

dawn marie said...

So true. I think that your meaning is easier to explain. Mine is a little more abstract (and possibly not as intelligent)