Tuesday, May 17, 2005

help wanted

I bought these special blister band aids and I'm not really sure if they're doing what there supposed to be doing...whatever that may be. Just another battle scar from B2B. Can't wait until next year...

<begin bridezilla rant>I wish that my bridesmaids would just pick a fucking dress and order it already. I want them to do that this month, but it's hard getting a mother of 2 and 3 other girls that hve busy weekends together. I hate the way my sister acts when we do these wedding things. She's so impatient sometimes. <end bridezilla rant>

Vegas in October though! Yay Bachelorette weekend!

I feel sorry for some people because they truly believe that they are strong, when the reality of it all is that no one is. Some may be stronger than others, but not strong enough to stand on their own. Everybody needs somebody.

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